Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Recruiters in UK look for French speaking staff

Learning a second language is very important according to the recent global trends. Now-a-days many reputed companies and organizations look for people who are well-conversant in French, German and Spanish owning to their use on the global business communication.

According to the reports from hrmasia.com, almost 2/3rd of the companies all over the United Kingdom keen to employ foreign language expert staff. Among the foreign languages, French ranks as the most sought for language after Spanish and Mandarin. China and Latin America are leading in economic growth which is pushing ambitious firms to take up professionals with language skills in order to venture into global markets.

 As per the 2014 report of the educational publisher Pearson and CBI (Confederation of British Industries), 41% of the 291 firms in United Kingdom felt the necessity of hiring foreign language experts for their business. The report highlighted that French, Spanish and German were the most desirable languages but along with these, Mandarin and Arabic were also in demand. Couple of years back, about a quarter of firms had reported that they sought employees who were familiar with Mandarin as a second language. This figure increased to 31% in the year 2014. Among the languages, the steepest increase was seen regarding the usage of Portuguese language experts. It is evident that foreign language skills are in huge demand in global firms. Hence, learning above mentioned languages is sure going to give you a leap in your profession.

Localization of marketing content for French consumers

If you are expanding your business in France, you would probably need to localize your content in French language. There are two kinds of localization services, localization of your website as well as your content including marketing campaigns, brochures etc. For localization of content and website, you would ask a French translation agency which can convert your content according to the requirements of your French consumers or clients.

Here are few things which should be kept in mind while localizing into French language

•Check your marketing materials like offers, videos, direct mails, leaflet, questionnaire etc and get a feedback from your French consumers. A questionnaire or a market survey is always helpful in knowing about your competitors.
•You must ensure that everything which you want to present your French consumers makes sense. French are very particular about certain things. Mother’s day offer in UK will not mean anything in French market. Check dates and trends before experimenting anything in this market.
•Always check about the expectations of your consumers before launching your products. Gather feedback from your prospective clients. During such surveys you can discover some cultural prospective which you had not ever thought of.

•You must produce different forms of your messages to your consumers. Make sure everything you make depicts French culture like the tone of voice, context and cultural references. Consumers will become interested in your products or services if they have feel of French culture in your messages. Basically it will be an initiation of communication with your potential customers.